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Seducing Danger

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  About the Book

  Books by Kennedy Layne

  About the Author





  Copyright © 2017 by Kennedy Layne

  Kindle Edition

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-943420-53-7

  Print ISBN: 978-1-943420-54-4

  Cover Artist: Sweet ’N Spicy Designs

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Shannon—It was an honor to be part of such an amazing charity. Thank you for the invitation to join!

  Jeffrey—Our Aruba trip is one I will never forget!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  About the Book

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Books by Kennedy Layne

  About the Author

  A hot and sexy short story from USA Today Bestselling Author Kennedy Layne will have you packing your bags and hopping the next plane to a steamy tropical island!

  Kelli Garrett’s job was a simple one—protect a prominent businessman from a ruthless corporate rival during his trip to the Dutch Caribbean Island of Aruba. It certainly wasn’t a hardship by any stretch of the imagination that she was forced to enjoy the hot sun, warm sand, and an amazing beach vista while watching the most attractive man she’d ever set her eyes on. Unfortunately, being seduced by Landon Smyth hadn’t been part of her itinerary.

  Chapter One

  Landon Smyth wanted the woman currently in his sights, and he was a man who always succeeded in obtaining his desires.

  She was a vision to behold…absolutely mesmerizing as she tapped her French-manicured fingernails in rhythm to the beat of the Dutch Caribbean island music. He took his time trailing his gaze up her long, tanned legs in appreciation to where her left hand rested against the provocative cut of her flowing white skirt.

  No wedding ring.

  There was no sign of a tan line on the ring finger of her left hand. Considering the number of Europeans here on the island, he made sure to check her right hand as well.

  His mystery woman was completely lost in her enjoyment of a local steel drum band entertaining the tourists who were visiting the tropical island of Aruba. He’d seen her countless times mixed among the crowds both at the resort and in the various markets over the past week. Unfortunately, he’d been conducting business and hadn’t afforded himself the time to introduce himself until now.

  Landon was going to ensure that was no longer a detail he left unattended.

  He couldn’t have possibly asked for a better locale to enjoy some time to himself than this hidden treasure of an all-inclusive resort on the Caribbean’s friendliest tropical island. It was the major reason he would be signing on the dotted line to acquire a controlling interest in this commercial property and additional rights for the two adjoining properties if everything went through as he expected in tomorrow’s meeting.

  The opportunity to buy into such a paradise, where the sun was always shining, the white sand was constantly warm, and the light breeze off the ocean felt like a lover’s caress, was golden. It was rare such a gem could be found where the sliding glass door of a patio led directly to the beach, where the white caps came up to dance on the shoreline mere feet from the guests’ rooms. He certainly didn’t intend to spend his last night here in paradise by himself, if at all possible.

  Landon confirmed once more that his mystery woman wore no wedding band to indicate that she was taken, nor had he seen her in the company of another man these past five days. Hell, she’d been alone every single time he’d caught a glimpse of her.

  Was that her intention? To enjoy her solitude?

  He would have to chance interrupting her solitude to see if she was receptive to his company.

  There was only one way to find out.

  “Jerry,” Landon called out over the other patrons at the bar and the low bass tones escaping the large speakers positioned near the stage. The majority of the tourists crowded around the bartender were in true vacation mode as they danced with umbrellas in their cocktail drinks and lost themselves in the familiar music. They were making the most of their rather expensive all-inclusive package. It was worth every penny and more, just like his business decision to invest in this small piece of nirvana and several of the other properties dotting this picturesque shore. “You’ve been working the night shift all week. Do you, by chance, know what drink that beautiful guest over there has been enjoying?”

  Jerry flashed a toothy smile when his line of sight followed the direction Landon had gestured with his glass of rum, Coke, and lime twist. The stunning woman was now swaying gracefully in time with the music while her long black hair did the same, though the light trade winds coming in off the ocean caused a few silken strands to caress her sun-kissed cheek.

  She’d been watching the band entertain the tourists for the past thirty minutes, and he found himself once again wondering about the color of her eyes. Brown? Green? Or were they blue, like the turquoise tint of the early evening tide rolling in behind her?

  “She does not drink alcohol, sir.” Jerry was currently twirling a bottle of rum in his nimble fingers so that it landed label out to help the patrons choose from the various types of alcohol provided by the resort. His movements were fluid as he adorned the rim of the glass with a stemmed cherry alongside an orange slice. He slid the cocktail across the bar to another patron before reaching for another glass. “She prefers still Voss water chilled with a wedge of lemon.”

  Landon was becoming more and more intrigued with the sexy brunette with each passing minute. He took a healthy drink of his rum and Coke as he studied the mystery lady who’d captured his attention. This distraction was downright infuriating, and there was only one way to solve that conundrum.

  Within seconds, the mystery woman’s chosen beverage was placed before him, accompanied by a friendly wink of encouragement. Landon took a moment to stare at the nonalcoholic drink in perplexity. He’d recognized the wristband she was wearing as the designated one for those customers who paid to have alcohol in their package. Why wasn’t she enjoying that particular amenity she’d paid quite a lot for?

  “Hello,” a feminine voice purred right before a lovely blonde filled his vision. There was no denying her beauty, but there was only one woman on his mind this evening. “I was hoping you’d buy me a drink.”

  “Actually, I was just on my way to join someone else,” Landon replied somewhat apologetically, not wanting to hurt her feelings. “Enjoy your—”

  “I’m sure she can wait. She’s been there for quite a while already.” The blonde feigned a demure smile as she reached for the glass of filtered water. Landon wasn’t surprised at her boldness, but he also wasn’t a man to play games. He clenched his jaw when she went so far as to take a sip of the water he’d specifically ordered for another woman, leaving a red lipstick stain on the rim. Her somewhat surprised gaze dropped down to the contents in disappointment and amusement. That
was, until she decided to use the nonalcoholic drink to her advantage. “I’m quite certain my company will be much more entertaining.”

  “Would you care to dance?”

  Landon didn’t have to look to know his mystery woman was behind the lucrative offer, though her suggestive proposition had him doing just that. The white summer dress she wore was accentuated with a teal flower tucked behind her right ear, though it wasn’t needed. Her exquisiteness alone outshined the vibrant color.

  She was even more stunning than he’d originally thought.

  No other woman on this island could hold a candle to her beauty.

  And her voice? The intoxicating sound was like a sip of fine whiskey…smoky and smooth. The distinctive resonance only made him want to hear more words escape her sensual lips. She’d covered them with a dash of pink he found enchanting, but he sought the answer to the question that had been on his mind all week.

  Blue. Her eyes were a startling blue so unlike the water over the reef. The vivid color of the mighty ocean didn’t hold a candle to the gorgeous shade that he had no doubt captured the interest of many men before him.

  “I’d like that very much,” Landon responded quietly, speculating what motive she could possibly have to approach him now. He gave the blonde a cursory glance as he held out his hand toward his mystery woman. “Shall we?”

  Landon stepped past her, guiding them to the designated dance area in front of the band that was now playing a softer rolling ballad that enticed other couples to enjoy the intimate ambiance. He turned and drew her into his arms, the intoxicating scent of lilacs and another floral fragrance greeting him as the length of her body melded into his as if they were made for one another. He wrapped his right arm behind her to pull her even closer as they swayed to the music.

  “I guess a thank you is in order.” Landon savored this moment as she tilted her head to catch his words over the soft melody. The humidity in the air rose another degree. “You saved me from what could have been a very bad encounter.”

  “All in a good day’s work,” his mystery woman replied softly as she placed her soft palm against his, following his lead as he slowly guided her around another couple. Her blue eyes sparkled as if she had a secret she wasn’t willing to share. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to talk to overly forward strangers?”

  “As a matter of fact, she did,” Landon countered amiably, enjoying this light banter after such a complicated week. “Which is why you’re now required to tell me your name. It should be obvious I can’t fly back to the mainland and tell my mother I ignored her advice. She’d be devastated.”

  Her light laughter at his rationale rang through the air, joining the soft melody and causing him to wish they weren’t surrounded by people. He could admit to being a selfish man when it came to certain things. She was definitely on that list. He wanted her all to himself, and he would make no apology for that.

  “Kelli,” she finally answered with an infectious smile. “You can call me Kelli.”

  “And I’m Landon Smyth. It’s nice to meet you, Kelli. See?” Landon pointed out as he slowly weaved them throughout the other dancing couples. “Now we are no longer strangers.”

  “It’s nice to see a man who cares so much about his mother’s feelings.”

  Landon drew her closer, if that was even possible, when a woman who obviously had too much to drink stumbled backward toward him. Kelli’s breasts pressed against his chest, and he didn’t miss her quick intake of air at the intimate position he’d drawn them into. A physical attraction this palpable couldn’t go overlooked for long.

  There was no need for more words when they both recognized where this evening would end—his bed or hers. It was inevitable.

  Landon allowed himself to finally unwind and appreciate this blissful setting he’d all but ignored this past week. There was a light breeze steadily blowing in off the ocean as the moon and stars lit up the night sky with their radiance, heightening the sensual mood of the evening in which he intended to enjoy very much with the beautiful woman in his arms. They thoroughly appreciated the ringing melody of the first song and were well into the second when he could no longer just hold her in his embrace.

  Landon released her hand so that he could softly stroke his thumb across her lower lip. Damn, but he needed to taste her. He dipped his head and captured her lips. He savored the faint taste of strawberries and wanted more, already recognizing that one night with her wasn’t going to be nearly enough. He couldn’t resist running his tongue across her lower lip before pulling away and resting his forehead against hers.

  “Let’s continue this in my private suite, Kelli.”

  Chapter Two

  Kelli Garrett had never once deviated from any assignment ever given to her in the two years she’d been working as a private security contractor. She’d learned long ago during her stint in Navy intelligence that no task was ever taken lightly and to leave no detail ever done half-assed, nor to ever stray from one’s objective. Yet she couldn’t bring herself to walk away from the one man she’d just spent days surveilling as a favor to a Lieutenant Commander she’d served with during her later years in the service.

  It should have been an easy debt to repay—simply observe and deflect any obvious threats.

  After all, she was basically given an all-expense-paid trip to a Dutch Caribbean island for an entire week while ensuring Landon Smyth’s physical safety. She’d enjoyed the sunshine while her charge had been in meetings, savored delicious meals at fancy restaurants she otherwise would have avoided, and taken long, relaxing midnight strolls on the beach to ensure he was all tucked in for the night.

  Nothing too taxing for her extensive skill set.

  In all honesty, this had been one of the easiest assignments she’d ever undertaken right up until she had to run interference.

  She should have fucking known better than to think she could coast through the remaining two days of this milk run without the shit hitting the proverbial fan.

  Landon’s father had been rightly worried about a business rival—Curtis Pynaker—using unconventional, and in all likelihood questionable, means to stop what could be the real estate deal of the century for their firm. Mr. Smyth also believed that this adversary wasn’t beneath blackmail to get what he wanted, though Landon disagreed.

  The lesson here for everyone involved was that parents were always right.

  “Let’s continue this in private, Kelli.”

  The sensual vibrations of Landon’s voice sent goose bumps chasing each other in zigzag patterns over her sensitive skin. It didn’t surprise her that he had that effect on women, considering his sex appeal was off the charts. It was easy to see that he rivaled the Kennedys in good looks and charm. She had little choice in taking this to his room.

  To be truthful, Landon had not been exactly what she’d been expecting upon catching the same flight as he had out of Los Angeles bound for Miami then Aruba. He’d gone out of his way to aid an elderly woman down the ramp when boarding and even spent time entertaining a toddler who had been restless before takeoff. He’d actually given up his luxury town car to two parents who were late to their daughter’s wedding due to a flight delay at MIA. The vehicle had been specifically sent by the resort owners to the airport to welcome him to the island.

  Landon Smyth was the entire package, but he was Kelli’s charge—not her date.

  There was no mixing business with pleasure, at least in her line of work.

  Yet here she was…standing in his warm embrace actually entertaining the thought of joining him in his room for a roll in the hay.


  She blamed the blonde provocateur who’d obviously been paid to seduce Landon with every intention to either stall him for tomorrow’s meeting or somehow set him up to look bad in front of the resort’s longtime family owners. She was the sole reason that Kelli found herself in the arms of the man she’d dreamt about for the last five nights.

  The right thing t
o do here would be to walk away once she’d gotten them safely back to his room.

  Kelli found the strength to look back at the bar, not surprised in the least to find the blonde watching them with an eagle eye. She was just waiting for the right moment to close, not wanting to miss out on the large amount of cash she’d probably earn should she succeed in her task of getting Landon tangled in her web.

  An opportunity to prevent this woman from ruining a man’s reputation had been presented to Kelli with sparkles and a pretty bow. She would take what was being offered before creating a valid excuse as to why she couldn’t stay the night with Landon and bowing out gracefully.

  “I’d like that very much,” Kelli whispered with more honesty than she’d wanted to convey.

  She closed her eyes as a shiver of arousal traveled down the back of her neck. Landon had leaned into her and pressed his lips against her ear so only she could hear him whisper his response.

  “Shall we leave then?”

  It was impossible for her body not to respond to the sexual electricity generating between them. He never once let go of her hand as he slipped through the couples on the dance floor to the small wooden boardwalk parallel to the beach. The relaxing sound of the waves crashing against the sand could be heard as the murmurs of the crowd and the beat of the music faded in the distance as they departed.

  Kelli would have given anything for this walk to Landon’s room to be legitimate. Unfortunately, only she was aware that it was simply a ruse to keep him safe until those real estate papers were signed and the pressure was off.

  She casually glanced over her shoulder to see the blonde pull out her phone, no doubt notifying Curtis Pynaker of the delay in their cunning plan to interfere with Landon’s business. The question remained…just how far would Mr. Pynaker take this corporate conspiracy?